Monday, January 27, 2014

Can Kids Still Be Kids?

Do we really allow kids to be kids today?  This question applies to academics (I still cannot believe what my niece and nephew had to do in kindergarten compared to what I had to do) and athletics (athletes today choosing one sport and having to devote 100% of their time to it) in our high schools. Right or wrong, we seem to expect kids to grow up more quickly today than ever before.  This interesting article from The New York Times discusses how some high school athletes are committing to colleges during or even before their freshman year of high school. 


  1. I think its good to be devoted it teaches you self discipline and how to budget time and not always having to go out to eat every night and just going to the college cafeteria and pull your laptop out and do work and get stuff done because those fun times in college wont last but how you hard you worked and the grades you got will judge what you do in life

  2. It is good to be devoted in your academics and in athletes because as much as you do, you will become more smarter and more understanding of what is around you. So the more you do, you will become better at it and you will get better grades and more efficient of your athletic abilities.

  3. I think that kids can still be kids. It is the students choice to focus 100% on the sport they are in and not focus on other things. Students have the choice to still be a kid or to dedicate their life to something, unless their parents have already made the decision for them.

  4. I have to agree in saying we are expecting kids to grow up a lot quicker today than before and that athletes that choose one sport do have to devote 100% of their time to it

  5. It seems like a good idea to have students grow up quicker by handing them more resopnsibilities and such at a young age, but the issue lies within commitment at such a young age. Even though it's great to build skills needed as an adult, these colleges are basically choosing the career path or at least narrowing it down to what their school offers. Hopefully the parents of the student athletes helped aid which college offered the most but there's still the issue that the colleges are robbing the students of their own desire that they have yet to acknowledge.

  6. Agree, Students still have the choice, either act childish or be childish or take on bigger responsibilities & devote themselves to something worth it & actually want to take part in that activity or participation,

  7. Yes they are expected to grow up faster, but being devoted to academics and sports shows how being dedicated to something can pay off and they'll carry it throughout life.
