Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Motivating Students to Fight Through Adversity

Adversity is something everyone in the world faces on a daily basis.  Students face adversity at school when they don't earn the grades they desire, teachers face adversity when they can't find the perfect way to convey important information to students, and school administrators (at least in Ohio) face adversity when trying to find time to complete all of the necessary teacher evaluations.  Despite the fact it is so prevalent today in our schools and world, it seems many people don't do well handling adversity.  How can we motivate students to not give up when they face adversity?

One article which might help the process is about the inventor of Scotch tape.  Zachary Crockett, who wrote an article about the inventor on priceonomics, describes how Richard Drew quit college, took a job at 3M, tried repeatedly to find the right mix of ingredients to create a tape for auto body shops to use when painting cars, and eventually created what is probably the most famous tape in the world today.  Would it have been easy for him to fold when he faced adversity?  It absolutely would have been, but he didn't give up. 

If nothing else, hopefully this article will help people persevere when adversity seems overwhelming.  If it leads someone to develop some futuristic product like Richard Drew did so long ago, adversity will have lost again.

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