This post is probably more for the seniors than anyone else, but it wouldn't hurt for the sophomores to look as well. This article from the U.S. Department of Education contains some useful links toward the end related to college cost, etc. One of the links in the article allows you see how much a school costs, how many of their students typically graduate, how many former students aren't able to pay back their student loans, etc.
This blog focuses on how schools can be improved, which will ultimately result in students who are more prepared to excel both during and after high school.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Is What You Are Reading Online True?
Do you ever wonder if what you are reading online is true? If not, you might want to ask yourself that question the next time you are faced with a story which seems a bit too extraordinary. In this article from the New York Times, the author discusses how some of the stories which go viral are simply that - creative stories.
The next time you read something which seems too good to be true, remember it might be.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Freshen Up Your Notes With Classmint
Classmint is a website designed to help create flashcards which can be used as a study tool. The flashcards can be annotated, pictures can be added, and audio can even be included. If you are a person who likes to study using flashcards (you Spanish students know who you are), this might be a good website to visit.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Do You Have Time for a School Lunch?
How much time should students have to eat lunch? This isn't a question I have ever considered because I have always worked at VB and the length of the lunch period has always been a half hour. In this article from NPR, the author discusses how much time students should get and how much time they are actually getting.
I would be interested to know how students feel about this topic. As a teacher and former cafeteria monitor, I have always believed that less time in the cafeteria forced students to spend their time eating, not screwing around. Regardless of how you feel, it is an interesting article on a topic I wouldn't usually stop to consider.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
White House Film Festival
How do you use technology in school? That is the question the U.S. government is asking, and they want students to create videos containing their answers. Watch the video explaining the contest here, and let me know if I can help in any way. Who knows - you might find yourself heading to the White House to watch your video with the President of the United States!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Identifying Word Repetition in Writing
Ah, writing - some view it as a great opportunity to share their thoughts, while others view it as being the last activity in which they'd like to participate during their time on Earth. Either way, having to write is a fact of life while in high school. If you have to do it, you might as well do it well, right? A website which might help you do that is This website doesn't simply count the number of words you have written; it identifies how many times a word appears in your writing. If you are a person who uses the same words repeatedly in your writing, this would be a good tool to help you identify where you can add variety to your word choices.
The next time you have to write for this class or any other, use this tool to make sure you are providing the type of word variety your readers (i.e. teachers) desire.
Happy writing!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
A Cool App Called Stitcher
Podcasting is a world I haven't explored too much yet, but the more I learn about it, the more I like it. An app I found which makes it really easy to find podcasts on a variety of topics is Stitcher. Available either online or at the Google Play store (I'm not sure if it is available on iOs, so let me know if you look for it for your iPhone), this app will allow you to search for podcasts which interest you, and you'll probably find some on topics about which you have never thought before. I'm now following podcasts about educational technology, but I'm also following some on writing and baseball.
Later this year I am hoping that all of my classes will be creating podcasts, and Stitcher might let you get your feet wet with podcasts before you create your own.
Have a happy Thanksgiving, and I'll see you next week.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Finding Balance Between Work and School
I did have a part-time job in high school working for an appliance repairman who was my neighbor, and I learned some useful skills which have allowed me to fix my dryer and other appliances over the years. Thankfully, my neighbor was very flexible with my hours, so I didn't work as much during the school year as I did during the summer. This made it much easier to balance my school work with my job, but that is a luxury I know few students have today since many of them are working for large corporations like McDonalds and American Eagle.
Ultimately, I encourage you to read the article and consider some of the points it is making to ensure your experience with a part-time job is as positive as it can be.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Digital Responsibility
Who is responsible for what students are doing digitally? According to an article found on the Edutopia website, it is starting to become practice for schools to hire companies to watch what their students are doing while using technology. Is this okay? I'm interested to know what you think.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
A Great Way to Keep Your Favorite Sites in One Place
I have been using it since last year (thanks, Mrs. Teaman), and I encourage you to use it in whatever way it might work best for you.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Did Shakespeare Really Write Shakespeare?
If you find anything really interesting, don't be afraid to share your findings in class or on your own blog.
Following Blogs Which Interest You
A New Look at Note-Taking
I have made a recent discovery that challenges everything I have done in my classroom for the last sixteen years. In the past when I saw a student doodling or drawing in my classroom, I assumed the student was not paying attention. If I didn't directly call the student out from the front of the classroom, I would at least walk over to the student and quietly point out that he/she was not paying attention to what was being taught. Of course, if the student made any type of objection, I wouldn't be listening because I knew, from my experience as a student, that if a student was drawing, he/she was not paying attention.
Well, I just watched a video that might have blown everything I have ever known out of the water. In a Ted Talk video featuring Rachel Smith (click to view video), she discusses how students can effectively take notes using a combination of drawings and words. While this might not be the perfect note-taking tool in every situation, it might help students who are more artistically inclined or those who have struggled with traditional note-taking styles such as Cornell notes. Will these work for everyone? Probably not, but I wanted to share this so those it might help can start taking advantage of this opportunity.
If any of my students have additional questions about this note-taking tool, please let me know.